Tuesday, 24 June 2008

World Internet Marketing as Community

Do you know why lot of people fails in internet marketing business? This is a sad fact, but nothing comes further from the truth. Internet is an unlimited world with unlimited opportunity which provides every human demand and supply. As a simple basic economy, the point where demand meets supply means sales. If someone make sales and then he/she will have money.

Even with this unlimited supply and demand, how can lot of people not making money in this virtual world? Do they make a terrible mistake?

Unfortunately the answer is yes. Their mistake is they do all of internet marketing aspect by themselves. Maybe sometime they succeeded sell some products like ebook, hosting membership, cd etc. The problem is the amount of sales is still far away from their hope. Yes, they can make money but the amount is not good enough. They feel depressed and finaly quit the business.

Internet marketing has the same cycle like any other business. Sometime people love to use email marketing as their main effort. Just like change in fashion industry, the buyer taste may shift from email marketing to web 2.0 (like myspace.com, facebook.com, digg.com etc).

People who work alone do not realize the shift of buyer taste until too late. No wonder they keep asking themselves how they could just make a small amount of money. If they do not change their method, finally they will out of business.

This is the importance of community in internet marketing. People in community share their knowledge, experience and opinion of what happen in internet marketing. Some time they share the latest effective internet marketing method, the other may share the mistakes in the past and sometime they share their intepretation of the hottest trend.

These people also encourage other who has problem in their effort. The right community will push the member to make good progress. The wrong community will pull the member to nowhere.

World Internet Summit is a spectacular even where the audiences are people with the same interest. Their interest is to succeed in internet marketing business. When you meet people with the same point of view, the conversation will flow smoothly and naturally.

It is easy for you to understand the others problem and feel empathy. Tell them your opinion, exchange the business card and keep contact regularly. Make a small community of the audience and create communication once a week. Help each other to success and you’ll be pushed to success in the high level.

FREE DOWNLOAD -How to avoid mistake in World Internet Summit

1 comment:

Internet Marketing said...


You make a very good point about people who make the mistake of doing all their internet marketing by themselves ( which limits their success).

Another common mistake is to go too far the other way and make dozens of internet marketing 'friends' or colleagues who attend the seminars that you do, but do not take any action, yet feel comforted by the fact that no-one they know is making money online.

Successful internet marketers find a balance between the two and are very judicial with their time.

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